Why You Save Money and Time Using a Handyman for Your Home’s Electrical and Plumbing Needs
Why spend too much money on Electricians and Plumbers when you can save money and time using a Handyman for your home’s electrical and plumbing needs?
We regularly search the web for, and write our own, blogs on home maintenance/care.
Why spend too much money on Electricians and Plumbers when you can save money and time using a Handyman for your home’s electrical and plumbing needs?
Cold, Colder, Coldest: How to Prevent Frozen Pipes It might not be New York or Michcigan, but Virginia can be one cold state in the winter time. But it can also be abnormally warm?! It’s that very nature of unpredictability in the extremes that make Virginia a state not to be reckoned with in regards
The Holidays are Over… NOW it’s Time to Prepare for the Winter Season!!!! Read More »
Corey – October 29, 2019 If your toilet is always running, then it can disrupt your conversations. It can also make it harder to hear the TV. On top of all that, it will run up the water bill. All of these situations are incredibly frustrating. So if something is wrong with your toilet, it’s time to
My Toilet is Making a lot of Noise…Why? Read More »
By Len the Plumber: It’s happened to everyone: You turn on the water in your sink, shower, or tub and instead of flowing down the drain, it begins to back up. After seeing countless commercials for liquid drain cleaners, your first thought is to reach for that bottle of thick blue liquid with scary-sounding chemicals
DIY Drain Cleaning & Why It’s a Bad Idea Read More »
Pouring bacon grease down the drain will clog your sink. It’s a fact, and we at Roto-Rooter have been warning homeowners of this fact since our company was founded in 1935. Somehow, the warnings have gone unheeded and we’re unclogging as many grease filled sink drains as ever, as The Wall Street Journal recently pointed out in this
Bacon Grease Down the Drain Read More »